Member-only story
Stuck? Time to Ask a Different Question
We’re all trying to level up.
Whether it’s our client list, podcast download numbers, page views, revenue, quality of work or all of the above and more, we each have some goal hovering just beyond our reach.
The question we most often reach for first when determining how to reach our next elusive milestone is, “What do I need to do to bring about the result I want?”
This seems like fairly straightforward reasoning, input x to get y. And for some goals, it works.
“What do I need to do,” is about tools, tactics, and strategies that if you had the blueprint for, you could plug into your work and your problem would be solved
But for big goals, the kind of goals that cause people to raise their eyebrows when you say them out loud, tools, tactics, and strategies aren’t going to cut it. You may have even tried them already to middling (or less) success.
The problem isn’t that the tools are faulty. The problem is that for big, hairy, audacious goals, before asking yourself what you need to do, you must…