…But Is It Useful?

Jeremy Enns
4 min readJan 10, 2020

The problem for most people with art isn’t that it’s not impressive.

It’s not that it’s not interesting, beautiful, remarkable even.

The problem is that they don’t understand what it’s for.

“What’s the point? What do I do with it? How will it help me?”

To the average person, the average piece of art is little more than a pleasing piece of canvas that costs hundreds, thousands, or even millions of dollars more than that piece from IKEA they currently have making that space on their living room wall feel a little less empty.

How Does This Affect Us?

Ok, so most people aren’t art lovers, so what? Why should we as creators, makers and entrepreneurs care? How is this information useful?

Well, I’d argue that for most of us, art plays a significant roll in the work we do.

For most of us, there is an artistry, a craft to our work that we’ve spent a lot of time developing, but which isn’t always outwardly apparent to the uninitiated.

At some point, we all need to convince a customer or client that our work is worth them paying for, and paying at a rate we know it’s worth.

Which means that a core part of the work we do if we want to reach new audiences needs to be explaining to…



Jeremy Enns

Founder of podcast production and content amplification agency Counterweight Creative. Believer in the power of kindness and generosity.