Member-only story
Absolute Podcast Stats Aren’t Important… Unless You Have This First
The first question I get asked by almost every single podcaster is always the same.
I’ll be asking about them, their show, and the goals around it when they’ll blurt out the number of downloads their show gets — often out of nowhere — and ask the question all podcasters desperately want to know.
“Is that good?”
Despite living and breathing podcasting and working one on one with dozens of top podcasters in the Health and Wellness niche, I never quite know how to respond to this question.
Twenty thousand downloads a month is a number many indie podcasters can barely dream of achieving, and yet for some of our clients, that number would suggest something was off with their content or promotion that month.
Likewise, a thousand downloads a month to some podcasters might not justify the time, effort, and expense of producing the show, and yet I’ve seen podcasters who create very lucrative shows by creating the right content for the right thousand people.
There are no absolute “good” download numbers.
Good or bad stats can only be measured relatively, to the past performance of your own show, or perhaps against others in your niche, although comparisons can get murky unless you have…